Yesterday afternoon I replaced the driver side control arm and bushing. Took around 3 to 4 hours. There is not a lot of room to work in there and being the first time it took some figuring out. Of course I did have to run to the store to get a fork to knock the ball joint out so that counted for a little bit of time. Today I replaced the passenger side in half the time. I pretty much knew all the tricks now and it was a plus that the middle ball joint on the control arm has more room to work with on the nut. The driver side has A/C lines in the way. Oh, even though these are 22mm nuts, a 7/8" wrench works just fine in there.
I also replaced the bushings with urethane ones, getting the old ones out didn't take too much since I had a saws-all, made a couple of cuts in the old bushing metal ring and a few blows with a hammer and it was out. The urethane one can be a pain to get in, but if you have a old rotor laying around it is the perfect size to put the mount on there and knock the bushing in.
Now that the brakes and the controls arms are done its almost like a new car. The handling is much tighter and braking is great. Can't wait to see what it will do tomorrow.
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